Have you heard of Abhyanha?
Yeah I hadn’t either but then while reading Living Ayurveda by Claire Ragozzino I learned about a shower ritual called Abhyanha. Basically, oil massage.
The benefits of this practice include:
- stress reduction
- promotes self love and self respect
- lowers blood pressure
- nourishes skin
- lymphatic drainage
- stimulates internal organs
- toxin extraction
First I apply the Countertime Lipid Defense Cleansing Oil to my skin (usually with the Reflect Effect Bamboobuff Exfoliating Polish mixed in). Next I dry brush from my toes to shoulders with long strokes leading towards my heart. Finally I massage the Beautycounter Luminous Hydration Body Oil in Citrus Rosemary into my skin starting at my shoulders using small circular motions.
Then I start the water in the shower and hop in!
The oil seeps into my pores and hydrates my skin. When I get out of the shower I don’t have to apply any lotion! It feels really good for shaving too but be warned, that razor will get gunky fast.
Applying oil before a shower wasn’t necessarily new to me, I had done it for a while during lockdown when I went through my homemade beauty products only phase. I used sesame oil at that point but I don’t remember it nourishing my skin in the same way.
Oil cleansing is amazing for sensitive skin, for mature skin or for skin that has been out and about. Oil attracts grimy oils, sun screens, and hopefully chlorine leaving skin clean and fresh.
I’ve been using the new Mighty Plump Ceramide Water Cream on my face after my showers. This moisturizer is basically the lovechild of Countertime Supreme Cream and Countermatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion.*
*Not really, there’s a whole new set of science behind the water cream but it seriously feels so good.
Then plenty of SPF and we’re out the door to camps and the pool and al fresco dinners.
Here is a pre-filled cart with the products I use every day. I don’t buy them all at once (I space out my orders) but your first order is 20% off with the code CLEANFORALL20 so it makes sense to stock up early. Some of us will never forget our first order.
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