3 Productive Tasks for When You’re Procrastinating

I’m not sure how it happened, but it is now two and half hours after drop off and I haven’t written a word in my latest draft. And even as I write this blog post instead of drafting the next few chapters of my 3rd novel I am feeding myself a really good story.

That I’m being PRODUCTIVE while I procrastinate.

See, there’s a point to avoiding the midpoint of my manuscript.

I’ve learned to let my mind lead and to go with the flow. When I force it I end up with poo on the page which only creates more work later in the editing stage. And, I’ve also learned I have a tendency to go back and try to fix things in an already published manuscript or redesign a cover. Neither of those things are productive at all.

What else have I learned? A few tricks to get my mind back on the characters, story line, or manuscript phase I am “supposed” to be in. I’m sharing them with you today! Whether you are a writer, digital creator, or person who wants to check out for a minute here are my top three Producrastination Tasks.

Search Pinterest for Advice and Inspiration

“TikTok for Indie Authors”

“Blog Post Ideas for Authors”

“Hot Dudes with Dogs”

That last one proved especially inspirational.

Searching on Pinterest and saving ideas to boards is an excellent way to be main-project-adjacent-productive. The trick to this is to actually click through and read some of the advice articles. Or narrow down the look of your MMC (male main character) and his pup for your story. It isn’t a waste of time if it gets your brain juices flowing!

Start A Conversation

DM a person in you industry that you admire. Comment on a friend’s post. Text your cousin/bff. Or both.

Then the trick is to ask them questions to avoid them asking you “what are you up to?”

Starting a conversation with another person helps your brain to produce feel good hormones and you never know when something they share will be exactly what you needed to hear.

Other options include writing a blog post for your site, creating social media content, and writing your email newsletter. I’ll be creating my newsletter as soon as I hit publish on this post.

Put Pen to Paper

For a brain dump!

Start with a blank piece of paper, from your printer, notebook, or even a junk mail envelope will do in a pinch. Now write down all the thoughts and tasks and wishes and grocery list items you can think of.

Brain dumps are a way to help your brain focus. Hear me out – yes you’re creating a chaotic list of all the many items floating around in your grey matter but at the end of it you not only have a visual you can start from but you also have a clearer mind. And that clearer mind is ready to get to work!

Because that perpetual nagging thought about scheduling your kid’s eye doctor appointment for school forms is now not at the back of your mind but on the junk mail envelope your husband will toss in the recycling when he comes downstairs to make lunch.

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